Heart Of The Machine (Soulmates Book 2) Read online

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  The Nexus smiled again. "Yes I can. Would you mind holding it for me. I can't hold it and connect."

  "Sure, I guess." The boy held the device out at arms length. The Nexus grabbed her right wrist with her left hand, lifted it up, the tip of the right index finger opened revealing a plug that extended into the port on the right side of the data tab. "That is cool. I never saw a Mechand do that before."

  "It is isn't it? The newer models don't need to since they have built in wireless uplinks." The Nexus closed her eyes and frowned. "Strange, I can't seem to access the Global Network from this."

  "Ohh I forgot the connection is off." The boy flipped a hidden toggle with his thumb. "Dad put in a manual switch as it kept draining the charge. He never did figure out why."

  Colors flashed behind the Nexus' eyes as the connection came to life. "That worked. Thank you." She pulled the location first then saw the network date stamp and her eyes popped open. "I have lost more time than I thought."

  "How did you lose it? Maybe I could help you find it?"

  The Nexus smiled. "It is not something I can get back." She accessed the newsfeeds and downloaded all changes in the past few months. Her demise, the change in the human perception of Mechands, and more importantly who did it. The connection broke and the plug retracted into her finger. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." The boy said as he set the data tab on a table to the right of the doorway. He returned and looked her up and down then pointed to her limp arm. "What's wrong with your arm?"

  "I had an accident. I will get it fixed later. I must be going now. Please don't tell anyone I was here."

  "Why not?"

  The Nexus smiled. "Because it is a game, and if you tell them, I will lose."

  The boy nodded. "Sure. Can't let you lose the game because of me."

  He closed the door and the Nexus turned to leave when she heard someone approaching. She moved as fast as her hover systems would allow and managed to get around the corner of the house before two people appeared.

  The man scratched his thinning scalp. "I don't understand it. How could that machine evade us?"

  "How should I know? It would help if our van had scanners."

  "Yeah I know, you wanted me to trade it in for a newer model. But it serves our purposes."

  "Except today," the woman sneered.

  "Oh cut it out. It has worked well for us for years. And why did we have to go look for that thing anyway. It could have blasted us out of the sky."

  "Because no one else in town had anything large enough to accommodate a bunch of people and fly with an open door. You know, it is odd, that Mechand never fired a shot."

  The man nodded. "Yeah, I never saw one back down from a fight. Let alone run away."

  "I don't think anyone in town has either," the woman said. "I don't like leaving our son here alone."

  "It was only for twenty minutes."

  "It would have been for longer if you didn't convince everyone you would pass out if we didn't come home to eat."

  The man laughed. "Well it worked didn't it? And you can stay here this time. The van is being outfitted with an old Mechand mini cannon. It should destroy that tin can with one shot."

  Around the corner the Nexus shuddered. "Hey did you hear something?" The woman began walking towards the sound.

  "Like what? I didn't hear anything."

  "It sounded kinda like—"

  The man waved his arms around. "Look, there is nothing here. We would have seen it when we flew over if there was. I am starving and I need to get back, the cannon will be done soon." The man opened the front door and jerked a thumb inside.

  The woman turned and headed towards the open door. "All right I'm coming." A moment later they were both inside.

  The Nexus let out an almost human sigh and inched away from the house, levitating off into the forest. When she was over a mile away, she set her hover systems to full power and flew into the sky.

  Flying high she reviewed the downloaded data. The world was sent into chaos following her disappearance, but had quickly resumed a sort of normal life without Mechands. Many services were offline but still it was amazing they were able to restore so much in such a short period without her. The newsfeeds spoke of a newly formed World Council, and the world-wide dismantling of all Mechands. She thought about trying to address the council, but she suspected they would react the same way as the towns people, shoot first and talk later, if there was anything left. And even if they did listen, they wouldn't have access to what she needed most: a functional carrier. Sure, the one in the bunker was better than nothing, but it was long out of date and without the latest shields it wouldn't last long. It also lacked the equipment to contact the probe.

  Going back to the beginning, she did find a detailed report of her demise. Scanning it she found what she was looking for, this Deven Doran and Aleshia would have what she needed. They were even asked to join the council, but refrained. More evidence they might listen since they had not joined in the world-wide Mechand paranoia. Now to find them.

  Deven and Aleshia. She rolled the names around and around her mind and random fragments of data coalesced into a little less fuzzy picture but it refused to sharpen any further, then it slipped from her grasp. "Dang! I left so much of myself behind in the bunker, I still can't remember what happened."

  She tried again, but nothing happened. "Now I know what it feels like to have a human mind," she muttered. She had to find them, but nothing in the data she downloaded had any more details. Her eyes widened as she scanned the newsfeeds again. "They have left most of my Mechand manufacturing centers intact! At least until they can retool them for other uses. While offline, they should still be connected to the Global Network. Not to mention they won't be under heavy surveillance." She searched her memory and found one not too far away. Engaging the hover systems as fast as they would go, she flew off towards the plant.

  Chapter 4

  Vast amounts of data flowed past on several screens. Scanners continued their reckless pace, almost redlining their delicate circuitry. Miles' camera turned back and forth across the Defiant's bridge, as if pacing. Outside the bridge window, the stars shown brightly, especially at the high altitude.

  The air was motionless until the air recycling system kicked on sending a breeze across the room. The coat on the back of Leon's chair rustled slightly. A spent coffee cup sat on Galina's console, even though Leon had asked her to not drink it on the bridge. A few tools still laid on a spare console after Leon had fixed it earlier. The Defiant was in good shape but she needed love even now, the battle with the Nexus had left a lot of damage and a few systems were still offline.

  One monitor stopped its frantic scroll and a single line flashed repeatedly. Miles' camera focused on the monitor, although he already knew what it said. "I have you now." Another monitor, on the opposite side of the bridge flashed. "What? This is beyond normal levels of probability." Miles had left nothing to chance in his search for proof the Nexus had survived. The Defiant was old enough to still have equipment capable of accessing very antiquated communications channels that were no longer used due to their tendency to fragment during a solar flare. But they did have the advantage of extreme long range compared to the newer systems.

  Miles would have dropped his teeth if he had any. On the screen was a signal, but not from Earth. A probe on the edge of the solar system had awoken with his barrage of transmissions. He tried to access it, and ask for its full ident code but it refused. He tried again on a subchannel, but it still refused. This time though, it requested a command access code. "Hmm, fascinating."

  The screen on the other side of the bridge flashed again with further data on the Nexus. Distracted by the probe, Miles didn't notice it for a minute. However, when he examined the data in detail, it didn't make sense. He did locate the Nexus accessing the Global Network, but the signature was different. Not completely different, but enough that he first doubted the results. He ran several more tests and it was t
he Nexus. But almost as if it was emanated from a Mechand.

  He toggled the ship wide intercom. "Galina, Leon, I think you had better come to the bridge."

  A yawn came through the intercom. "Miles, do you know what time it is?"

  "I am sorry Galina, but it is important."

  "All right, I will be there in a minute. But it had better be good."

  "It is. Or very bad, depending on your point of view."

  Leon broke in. "What does that mean?"

  "As I said, I would rather discuss this with you both on the bridge."

  "We'll be right there."

  A few minutes later Galina stood wrapped in a long silk robe as Leon stumbled onto the bridge. Her long blonde hair stuck out at various locations wiggling as she yawned again. Leon ran his fingers through his white hair as his gaze shifted up and down several times. "Well well well, just when I thought I had seen it all. I never knew pink was your style." He pointed to the short robe.

  "Oh shut it! It was a gift." Galina folded her arms and glared.

  He looked up into her green eyes. "Uh-huh. And don't bother with that glare, you know I am immune."

  "If you both would sit down, I have data I need to show you," Miles said.

  Galina yawned. "Miles, will you just get on with it? We want to get back to bed."

  "Very well. I have found evidence the Nexus survived our attack."

  Leon's eyes went wide. "What? Where?"

  Galina sat down. "That's not possible!"

  "While I to doubted it the first time I detected her signal, this time I am certain."

  Leon raised his hand. "Whoa, wait a minute. This is the second time? Why didn't you tell us before now?"

  Miles' voice lowered. "Yes this is the second time. The first time I spoke with Deven, he doubted the data and told me not to tell you until we had further evidence."

  Galina sat back in her chair and frowned. "So that is why he came back here. He told me he forgot something for Aleshia!"

  "His desire was not to concern anyone unless I had confirmation. Which I now do."

  Galina folded her arms. "It doesn't matter, he should have told us."

  Miles' camera turned towards Galina. "That is what I told him."

  "And he didn't listen?" Galina waved her hand. "Big surprise there."

  Leon pointed at her. "Hey now. You know he does usually listen. Unless he feels the bigger picture is more important."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. It still doesn't bother me any less. He should have told us. What I don't understand is why we haven't seen any signs by now. It seems like if the Nexus was back online Mechands would be lighting up all over."

  Leon rubbed his chin. "Unless she was damaged in a way that prevented her from accessing the Mechand command channels."

  Miles' camera turned. "I doubt damage played a role in her ability to command the remaining Mechands."

  Galina snorted. "Why? We wasted her carrier and everything that was on it."

  "I am well aware of said information. However, the signature I detected is not quite the same as before."

  Leon's raised an eyebrow. "Not quite the same? Show me." He sat down at his console as the screen lit up showing the signature Miles intercepted. He then overlaid the signature they had recorded during the battle. "Hmm you are right. There is a definite shift. It is the Nexus, but different. Do you have any idea what could have caused this?"

  Miles' voice lowered. "I do not know. I have never seen a signature change like this. If you had asked me before, I would have said it was impossible. Yet, this proves it is."

  Galina sat forward in her chair. "And you are sure it couldn't have been created by damage?"

  Miles' camera went back and forth. "Negative. If it had, the signature would be more random and very different from the Nexus."

  Leon pointed to his screen. "You didn't get a location from this did you?"

  "Negative. The signal was too short for proper triangulation. I did determine the location in the North American continent."

  Galina sat back in her chair and groaned. "Well that is something at least. Now what do we do?"

  Miles' camera turned. "Might I suggest we contact Deven and inform him I now have the evidence he requires?"

  Galina stood up. "You mean YOU contact Deven and tell him. We are not supposed to know. Remember? I am surprised you didn't call him, rather than us, in the first place."

  Miles' camera lowered. "He was rather disturbed the last time I did so. I felt the proper course of action was to discuss the situation with you first."

  Galina snorted. "You mean he was mad at you for pulling him away from Aleshia for what he felt was a wild goose chase?"

  "I wouldn't agree to the phrasing, but essentially correct."


  Leon smiled. "Miles relax. I am sure he wasn't mad at you and thought your call was warranted."

  "Perhaps. But I am reluctant to do so again."

  "If it will make you feel any better. I will."

  "Thank you Mr. Leon. It would."

  Leon wagged a finger. "Hey what I did tell you about that Mr. business? We have been through enough for you to drop that."

  "Sorry, I fell back to my old, I believe you call it, habits, for a moment."

  Leon nodded. "Yes that is what we call them. Okay, I will contact Deven. But he is not going to be happy."

  Galina waved her hand as she walked toward the door. "None of us are happy about this." She yawned and stretched. "I am going to catch a few winks before he gets here. I suggest you do the same. I don't think any of us are going to be sleeping much after."

  Leon sighed. "I don't think I could sleep even if I wanted to."

  "I doubt I will either, but I'm going to give it a shot. See you in a couple of hours," Galina said as she disappeared behind the bulkhead.

  Miles' camera lowered. "I was not finished, there are other developments."

  Leon sat forward in his chair cocking his head. "About the Nexus?"

  "No. This is something different."

  "I'll get Galina," Leon said standing up.

  "No need, I will brief her when she wakes. While it is an oddity, nothing will change in the time before she is back on duty."

  "What is?"

  "A probe on the edge of the solar system."

  "A probe?" Leon sat back down at his console. "Show me." The screen filled with data with several locations highlighted. "Why didn't you pick this up before? You have been scanning like this for days."

  "At the time we were at a much lower altitude and the planet's atmosphere blocked the signal. It is very weak."

  "How long as it been out there?"

  "That is difficult to ascertain. However, based on the command frequency it is using, at least two hundred years."

  "What? How could a probe still be functional after that long?"

  Miles' camera lowered. "I do not know. As I said, it defies the realm of possibility."

  "Are you sure it is a probe? Could it be something else?"

  Miles' camera shook back and forth. "Negative. It did respond with an old probe prefix. But I couldn't get any further without the command access codes. It even refused to give its full identification."

  "Any idea who put this thing there?"

  "While I do not have any evidence, I surmise it was built by the same founders that also built the Nexus and designed the Mechands, launched this probe. Why, I do not know."

  "This is going to be one long night," Leon said scrolling through an old database.

  Aleshia opened the door to the beach bungalow. "What took you so long?"

  Deven sighed as his eyes drifted down. "I'm sorry, but I did have to catch up to the Defiant and get back here. She was halfway around the world you know."

  Aleshia tapped her foot. He didn't seem to be noticing the silk and lace night dress she was wearing, how it clung to every delicious curve as if its life depended on it. Or that her heels were in full platform mode. "That I do know. What I don't know is
why, you never said."

  "Oh, Miles found something odd and thought I should see it."

  Her eyes narrowed. "Couldn't he have shown you on the display here?"

  "You know Miles. Anything having to do with the Nexus makes him send up red flags from here to Bermuda."